It was a very moving first night for “Only Remembered”, the Back to the Front Great War production on Wednesday 6th November. Seats are going fast for the remaining performances and should be booked in advance. Some seats remain for Saturday afternoon. Please note the show will start at 7.45 on Friday evening 9th November.
Only Remembered Dress Rehearsal

“Only Remembered”, an evening of music, songs and stories of local people and events from the villages in the time of the Great War opens on Wednesday evening, 7th November. Tickets are going fast for this free production and should be booked in advance from the Henderson Hub (01923 601280) or from Signature Estates in the High Street. Directed by Simon Ash, with Musical Direction by Brenda Southorn the production will now start at 7.45 on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, not 7.30 as previously advertised.
“Spirit, Service & Sacrifice” Bedmond Concert Party

The “sold out” signs went up when over one hundred people packed into the Bedmond Village Hall for a two course meal and an evening of entertainment at the Back to the Front “Spirit, Service and Sacrifice” Concert Party. The evening was reminiscent of the Concert Parties of yesteryear organised by the Bedmond Pioneers which raised spirits and funds for the troops. Show-casing WW1 poetry, prose and music presented by local artistes, the evening was enjoyed by all.
“Not Just a List of Names” published

“Not Just a List of Names”, the Project book which includes the stories of 667 men and women from the parish of Abbots Langley has been received from the printers. Books can be purchased from the Project Exhibition at St Lawrence Church, Abbots Langley between 10am and 2pm on Saturdays 3rd and 10th November, or by contacting Copies cost £15.
Exhibition at St Lawrence Church
Bedmond: Concert Party “Spirit, Service and Sacrifice”

Preparations for the Back to the Front Concert Party, “Spirit, Service and Sacrifice” are almost complete. Set in November 1918 the World War One Concert Party will include songs, poems and prose from the time and will include a free meal. All tickets for the Concert Party, which is being staged at Bedmond Village Hall on Satuurday 3rd November have now been snapped up.
“Not Just a List of Names” – confirming pre-orders

Persons that have already pre-ordered a copy of the Project book, “Not Just a List of Names” are requested to confirm their interest in purchasing a copy by emailing before 31st October. The book, which includes the stories of 667 men and women from the parish of Abbots Langley that served in the Great War, will be on general sale at a price of £15 from 1 November. Pre-ordered copies and new orders can be paid for and collected between 10am and 2pm from the Project Exhibition at St Lawrence Church, Abbots Langley on Saturday 3rd and 10th November.
Back to the Front Exhibition Takes Shape

The Back to the Front Great War Exhibition opens at the Church of the Ascension (the Tin Church) at Bedmond at 10.00 on Saturday 27 October. On Friday 2 November the Exhibition closes and re-opens at St Lawrence Church, Abbots Langley at 10.00 on Saturday 3 November, where it remains until Sunday 19th November.
The “Songs the Soldiers Sang” Singing Workshop

Over 120 children and teachers from Abbots Langley and The Divine Saviour Junior Schools packed into the Henderson Hub Arts Centre in the village to take part in a singing workshop led by Brenda Southorn. The children were taught a number of popular songs that were sung in the trenches during the Great War and also learned the background to the songs.